Jack in a Box

Joanne Thomson

After Kingmead Police department receive the ultimate severed virtue signal in a box, they come to their own reckonings of what justice should look like. What if political correctness dropped some acid, took a wrong turn and veered off into sheer dystopian impracticality? Jack in a Box is one giant metaphor for the failings of our justice system when it comes to sexual assault.

Selected for Traverse Theatre's Breakthrough Writers' Programme 2022 & Long-listed for Play, Pie, Pint's David MacLennan Award 2022

Cast & Creative Team

Writer - Joanne Thomson

Director - Katherine Nesbitt


We are looking to collaborate with actors on a R&D taking place at the National Theatre of Scotland Rockvilla between 11-15th Dec 2023 and are seeking submissions from Scotland-based performers. Click the buttom to find out more.

Upcoming Performances

None scheduled

Past Performances

25 April 2023, Outside Eyes scratch night, The Tron, Glasgow